Django Wagtail

Pawel Grajewski
2 min readMay 23, 2021

When we think about creating content that can be repeated in an easy way. We should go to see the wagtail project. It can be a good alternative for WordPress and easy to extend into a bigger project. What is base on the wagtail package? The main project which is develop and maintain are platform Seleor next is wagtail puput mayby not so young but can be base for bigger project and the last one is Code Red.There are many other project when wagtail is involve but this tree can give us image how many futures we get on start. Next question is where we can get knowledge about project and useful tutorials for web developers . In this field wagtail have few places where we can find very useful sources. First is wagtail documentation. Second Code red and Seleor have their own documentation. When we thing about tutorials this site can be helpful:




These are very helpful places and with few bucks can learn very powerful stuff. But Wagtail is not easy when you are newcomers , sometimes for start can be better do some work with Django which is base for wagtail to understand concept how this framework work and advantages of it. In next post will be some information how to build project and how to deploy it in common strategy.

Next let's discuss how to install a virtual environment in our project and see few tricks for development.

The next step is to install pip package Wagtail and start the project. Let’s see a video with some useful information.

The last video will show how to migrate the model, create super user and start local server to see the result of our work in web browser.

This video will end my introduction to start working with wagtail next articles will focus on building a working site.

